About Us

The program consists of two full days of workshops and three months of Student contact. On the first day, an audit and evaluation will be completed to establish the current techniques used by the individual. This is performed by making use of a mental chart analysis, background overview, pre-tournament sequences and identification of the various motivational factors.

A multi-solution profile is then constructed. The student will then apply these techniques to the driving range with the trainer to enable them to generate a student match game profile. Day two introduces "Eye to Mind and Body" technique to the student.

Several case studies will be reserved and analyzed. The student will exercise the EM&B technique by practicing again on the driving range. Their golf behavior will then again be compared with classroom conditions. At the completion of this stage into their routine the student will be ready to implement the newly required technique.

Three months of constant feedback will be provided by using a 10-scorecard approach. All constructive feedback will be analyzed by Internet communication based on deviation from the technique and problems which may have occurred.